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Is ativan available in the uk ). i was fortunate enough to purchase it from a very nice and happy customer. I really recommend this product from my friend and fellow dog owner, Michelle "I have been using this for years without a hassle and it works, I have had 5 dogs...i just hope this is not a placebo effect and there is no downside, so I can purchase again, thank you." "This product has been such a plus for our ativan uk online family. My daughter who has Autism learned so many new things about her dog and the things she can do! I have used this product with both our pups. It works and doesn't have too strong of an effect. The only drawback is that some dogs tend to chew off the collar, if you live somewhere with sandy soil make sure the pad is wet beforehand to prevent this. Also I do not recommend dry training - the treatment must be used and only in a very dry area so that is a big plus to me - also when the dog can't understand why it's not getting the pad it becomes a habit and if the dog does not understand why it isn't getting it, can become dangerous. For us it works beautifully and is good to go for the rest of day." "I've been using TUFF for several years now and have never felt anything other than great results. So far I have been using it at least 5+ hours a week and to date my dogs have not attempted to chew the padding for at least two weeks. My dogs do not use the harness or leash any longer. They even lay down when are being washed and brush themselves in the bathroom. We don't do dry training with TUFF, but I'll continue to test the product." "I will tell you there is nothing worse than a dog who can't be properly trained. I have owned and ativan ohne rezept kaufen raised many dogs, this has been the least frustrating and most efficient method of handling an aggressive dog. All the dogs I've worked with love the product and so do people who work the dogs."... read more I was a skeptic, but really think after trying this dog toy for over a month I won't use anything else now I hear so much about it... "One product has worked very well for my dog. We've used this dog product together for 6 months and this product has helped a LOT. We use this, and a high quality treat, to calm her, get him sit and stay still, to keep him engaged and entertained. Also, we online pharmacy nz oamaru have been using this product together for a few months now and the owner of dog still comes back and picks up or drops the dog, just to watch difference, even if we are in a busy place! One last positive note is that this a great companion for training and handling a sensitive reactive dog. In fact, one dog has stopped a fight twice by sitting, to his owner's applause Online pharmacy for tramadol and the other half in end, became much more Buy alprazolam .5 mg cautious in attacking and was never aggressive again. Not too chewy in any shape or form too heavy (we are at dog size here), this is my new dog product!"... read more "The product has worked so well. It doesn't cause a very drastic break in period and stays place! I can do these 2 things: 1) I take the collar off as soon I get home and then just put the dog in a calm situation, away from people, and leave her alone at home. 2) When my husband has to go, I just take the collar off. When he comes home, gently sits the dog on his lap for a few minutes. Then we can talk in the comforts of our own home." "Our three 2-4 year old male dogs use this product, which is extremely hard to find, if you need one for your dog. It's a treat, it is extremely effective, and I personally love the fact that I can go and pick it up at the local dog store anywhere, if the won't take it! more "In the 30 years that I have been living in a house without being tethered, I can think of only a few times I have had to worry about my little boy going outside and finding that dog jumping up against my (or me) in hopes that I would go outside with him. I have loved this product and gotten used to it."... read more "We got the TUFF Pads, Pad, collar collar, and the harness. We did harness first. I was already familiar with the collar, pads and harness for our 3 cats. I read a lot on the internet about this product, and the best site I found was by the owner in Germany, who stated her results. I used a harness for over year and we finally made the switch. I love it. My dogs"

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