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Weight loss phentermine houston tx 20 hours ago - What about the other side of that coin? What about people like my mom who have had to struggle with addiction prescription opioids who don't have an alternative? If a drug is legal, shouldn't people be allowed to get it and use if they don't like it? And if it is a prescription, isn't the government's job to control what the public can legally do. There's a lot that gets lost in the politics surrounding this whole thing. But for a drug that's on the streets, it should be legal. Reply << Anonymous(dankjoe) Anonymous Why do u think it should be legal though? We're talking about a drug that's been proven to kill people << Anonymous(dankjoe) Anonymous Reply I just feel like it should be legal because it's been proven that it helps people with ADD and ADHD. Anonymous I hate people who think "they need to make sure people are not abusing drugs to make themselves feel better" Anonymous i feel like we all should have the rights to take as many drugs that we want. i feel they should just legalize it because be a right. Reply << Anonymous Yeah but it would help with drugs that are already illegal, like meth, cocaine, heroin, etc. Anonymous If you can afford it and are over 21, there legal ways you can get this stuff. Just make sure to use a doctor's prescription and take it as prescribed. << Anonymous Reply If you can afford it and are over 21, there legal ways you can get this stuff. Anonymous Why is it that the government will get more and greedy as time passes they can only see the black market for drugs as the next big thing? If anyone is really worried about this, just legalize drugs and get rid of all the taxes and restrictions. JWJ I am so glad that this drug is legal... I'm a 22 year old student working in the retail industry....this is so cool.... I just came across this...I can't imagine my life without this...now I can get more out of life, without the problems that come with drugs...I'm just really happy this...i'd take this over anything... << Anonymous(JWJ) Anonymous Reply If your a young man that just came off of prescription medications, or just trying to stay sober, you are missing out on something that this drug can give to you. << Anonymous(JWJ) Anonymous Reply Online xanax uk Not sure if this is relevant. We're not talking about drugs like heroin and cocaine, we're talking about drugs like this.... Anonymous I am glad this drug is legal. But, why should I have to go with the doctor and get a prescription, just weight loss phentermine buy to buy it in a pharmacy? I can get it by itself on the street easily as well. Reply << Anonymous I'm not sure why they make it illegal to buy from a pharmacy. It's legal to purchase it from a pharmacy. If you buy it from a pharmacy, you are purchasing it from the government. That's why you have to get a prescription. Mitch I've been on the same medicine for years, and it doesn't help me with my ADD at all. Does anyone else experience this? I just want to keep my medicine but it makes me lose weight. I'm 22 years Diazepam griechenland rezeptfrei old. Reply << Anonymous(Mitch) Anonymous Well, I'd have to say it is illegal by definition. And if it doesn't help weight loss phentermine jacksonville you, don't take it. Anonymous If u can afford it, then yeah go buy it. But I'd be very careful with a lot of this stuff. The government has it's hands tied in my opinion... I think this is going to cause a lot of issues and weight loss pills phentermine uk I don't see anyone taking this very responsibly... Anonymous I've been on for a few weeks and I'm noticing no change but it's not exactly working for me... Do me a favor, don't bother me. Reply << Anonymous(Anonymous) Anonymous I'm not saying this is a bad drug, it can be very helpful, but I think it can be very addictive, especially for young people. If you don't have money for a doctor's visit or the medication, and have to do it yourself, it's just not the best deal. You also have to worry about getting caught by the police, and if you do, might get in a lot of trouble for something you'll probably regret later on, like buying a few more pills. Anonymous How does this make anyone feel? Does anyone else see how this is going to help people instead of making problems? What about a person with the same illness but no money?

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