These are my favorites out of the photos I took at concerts in 2011.
SCREAMING FEMALES Jan. 14 at Lincoln HallHANDSOME FURS Jan. 15 at Lincoln HallLITTLE DRAGON Jan. 16 at Lincoln HallKINGS GO FORTH Jan. 21 at the Double DoorBUDDY GUY Jan. 23 at Buddy Guy's LegendsYO LA TENGO Feb. 4 at MetroTHE DRIVE-BY TRUCKERS Feb. 26 at the VicRON SEXSMITH March 22 at SchubasWHITE HILLS March 23 at the Empty BottleWHITE HILLS March 23 at the Empty BottleGODSPEED YOU! BLACK EMPEROR March 26 at MetroSKULL DEFEKTS March 31 at the HideoutSILVER ABUSE April 16 at Permanent RecordsLOW April 21 at Lincoln HallELEVENTH DREAM DAY April 22 at Lincoln HallTHE SPITS May 27 at the HoZac Blackout FestivalNONES May 28 at the HoZac Blackout FestivalEARTH June 8 at Mayne StageGRUFF RHYS June 9 at SchubasHANGGAI June 9 at the Pritzker PavilionSWORD HEAVEN June 11 in the Neon Marshmallow Fest at the Empty BottleCENTRO-MATIC July 3 at SchubasEMA July 15 at the Pitchfork Music FestivalTUNE-YARDS July 15 at the Pitchfork Music FestivalGUIDED BY VOICES July 15 at the Pitchfork Music FestivalNEKO CASE July 15 at the Pitchfork Music FestivalZOLA JESUS July 16 at the Pitchfork Music FestivalOFF! July 16 at the Pitchfork Music FestivalKURT VILE July 17 at the Pitchfork Music FestivalODD FUTURE July 17 at the Pitchfork Music FestivalODD FUTURE July 17 at the Pitchfork Music FestivalODD FUTURE audience July 17 at the Pitchfork Music FestivalARIEL PINK'S HAUNTED GRAFFITI July 17 at the Pitchfork Music FestivalHEALTH July 17 at the Pitchfork Music FestivalGILLIAN WELCH July 22 at the Vic WILD FLAG July 23 at Wicker Park FestWILD FLAG July 23 at Wicker Park FestFOOTBALL July 24 at the Illinois Centennial MonumentTHEE OH SEES July 24 at the Illinois Centennial Monument THEE OH SEES July 24 at the Illinois Centennial MonumentANATOMY OF HABIT Aug. 7 at the Empty Bottle MY BRIGHTEST DIAMOND Aug. 8 at the Pritzker Pavilion MAGIC KEY Aug. 21 at the Illinois Centennial MonumentTERRY ADAMS with NRBQ Aug. 27 at FitzGerald’sSCOTT LIGON with NRBQ Aug. 27 at FitzGerald’sSOUL TRAIN CONCERT Sept. 5 at the Pritzker PavilionTHE EMOTIONS Sept. 5 at the Pritzker PavilionBILL CALLAHAN Sept. 16 at Brilliant Corners of Popular Amusements CHARLES BRADLEY Sept. 17 at Brilliant Corners of Popular AmusementsWHITE MYSTERY Sept. 24 at the Hideout Block PartyWHITE MYSTERY Sept. 24 at the Hideout Block PartyBOOKER T. JONES Sept. 24 at the Hideout Block PartyMAVIS STAPLES Sept. 24 at the Hideout Block PartyLE BUTCHERETTES Nov. 4 at SubterraneanROCKET FROM THE TOMBS Dec. 7 at the Empty BottleALABAMA SHAKES Dec. 15 at the Hideout