I’m afraid to say I don’t have a whole lot of intelligent music critism to offer on this concert, having heard nothing by either band before I went. I wasn’t even planning on going before a nice publicist for the Northern Chorus called up in the afternoon and offered me a spot on the guest list. Generally speaking, I liked what I heard. Northern Chorus is an orchestral pop band from Canada, with a cellist and violinist sitting front and center, a nice change of pace from the back seat that string sections usually get. It all sounded pretty nice. And then Scotland’s Twlight Sad played. The songs sort of blended together for me, but they had good attitude and spunk. The lead singer did lots of melodramatic posing with the microphone stand, not that there’s anything wrong with that. A local band, Arwin, opened the evening’s lineup with some earnestly played and reasonably melodic songs.
See my photos of the Twlight Sad.
See my photos of Northern Chorus.